After a period of tears, trial and setback in 2004, (which was about 18years of a deep relationship with Christ) I discovered that all that matters in life is God. The pain began to birth some extra-ordinary events in my life and I began to discover my identity as a child of the living God. As I stepped out of pain in that year; I heard God say to me clearly and distinctively: “Go! Tell my people there is a way out of PAIN”
At the initial stage, the direction was not quite clear until about 2 years later when it became quite evident that God was in it. I heard the cries of orphans many times asking me when I shall come over; the tears and agony of women going through trials seem quite disturbing and without really knowing the magnitude of what I was stepping into, I dabbled into the vision.
Our Values
Forgetting the Failures and Successes of the past.

Pressing Towards the Mark of the High Calling

Caring and Supporting One Another

Our Mission
Empowering Women

To walk out of Pain

To overcome Set-Backs

To fulfil Purpose